The end is near…

On Tuesday I’ll embark on my final journey at UD. My last semester. My last two classes as an undergrad. My last two classes with juvenile, flip-flop wearing, cellphone yapping, gum-chewing, slutty dressed, over-perfumed, superficial, AbercrombieZombie, Ugg-wearing, sex-starved dingbats. Will I miss that? Hell no.

I’ve been on the verge of screaming at the little brats for a long time, wanting to break their spirit by telling them their life will amount to little more than unhappy marriages, debt, and taxes.

I’ll miss UD though. Sure I’ll still… Read More ➤


It’s been two weeks!? Nothing new, though. SSDD (e.g. same shit different day) as my good friend Luciana likes to say. I am fast approaching burnout, but I realized we’re about halfway through the semester? I’m not sure if that’s good or bad since I still have so much to do. This coming week I have two small papers, one larger paper, a “proposal” for my independent study, and a outline and bibliography for a paper due some time from now. The latter is the worst really, because I don’t write that way. I also have, oh, I don’t know 1000 pages to read for next week?

All that work, and guess what I’m doing tomorrow. Curse being responsible—I’m… Read More ➤