Happy Leap Day!

I figured I should post at least ONCE every month, and since some old dead guy came up with Leap Day JUST so I’d have another chance to squeeze a post in for February, I’d feel ashamed not to.

Just more of the usual: working at UD, working at Rosemont, classes, traveling to Rosemont, designing a book cover as part of my work at Rosemont, and taking pictures and making books for my Book Arts class. I guess all that keeps me out of trouble? I’m sure the politicians should be happy I stay busy.

I think I’ve decided for Book Arts to make a book of cellphone pictures—should be interesting. It will be a lot of work, but it IS grad school we’re talking about. As for Digital Imaging, I think something similar–a collection of cellphone pictures. The only difference is that they must be themed around “circular” things. So I’ve been snapping away. I’d rather take REAL photos with my Digital Rebel, but frankly, I don’t have the time. The cellphone is always in my pocket.

So, I’m becoming a stingy mofo. The economy sucks and I need to save some cash. So only bargain shopping for a while—it’s my specialty! (I have enough toothpaste stockpiled—bargain shopped at about 75 cents a tube—to last me over a year.) Coupons are my friend! No sales tax as well as real retail competition in Delaware are BIG pluses as well. I also just picked up a pair of boots for $18 on Macys.com. No taxes, no shipping charge! Woohoo!

I’m still planning my escape to the mountains in September! I can’t WAIT! I think there’ll be a few day-trip getaways this summer too: Longwood Gardens, the wildlife preserve, Old New Castle, something else historical or cultural. We’ll see.

More later!


2 Replies to “Happy Leap Day!”

  1. Happy Leap Day!

    I need to get me some toothpaste for $.75! But it takes me forever to go through a tube, so I never remember to buy it…

    Did I tell you I bought some glasses online? YES! Of course, I’ll show them to you when they come. Less than $20. We’ll see how they look…

  2. $20 glasses. I’m intrigued!

    And I have Crest coupons for you now. $1 off one tube. I know, I know. I’m wonderful. LOL

    But we MUST prepare for the apocalypse! 😀

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