The Little Things

Sometimes the little things have the most power over us. It could be a movie scene, a certain scent, or a familiar taste. For me, it’s often a song—especially lately.

Because the radio was free and we rarely had cable, music was always a big part of my life growing up. So just about any song from the 1980s or 1990s has some meaning, whether a specific relation to the lyrics, or simply an attachment in my mind to some event. Chaka Khan’s “I Feel for You” always means “Mississippi State Fair” to me. In the 1980s, they played it HEAVILY at all the rides that included music. “Come On Eileen” by Dexy’s Midnight Runners always has the feeling of zooming down an Interstate cloverleaf on the way to a friend’s birthday party, since that’s the first time I… Read More ➤

Once Upon a Time…

I’m the type of guy who is absolutely convinced by very little. Don’t get me wrong—I believe in many things. I just know nothing is absolute. Perhaps there is an old, forceful male God looking down on us just as some believe, or maybe some nerdy guy sitting at a computer is watching everything we do and calling the shots. (And I don’t mean Bill Gates.) Hell, for all I know, there’s a giant hamster running around in a wheel keeping the universe moving. I personally don’t think we’re supposed to know everything, which is why I refuse to believe that ANYONE has all the answers. (For the record, proclamations of absolute conviction are usually part of a larger agenda or a cover for insecurity.)

My unwillingness to accept ANY status quo tends to… Read More ➤

Seasons Change…People Change.

Autumn is all but gone. The colors seemed to come out of nowhere, bursting in beautiful intensity until all the world seemed to have a new coat of paint. It was magical—short, but magical. I really wasn’t expecting much this year, considering the near-drought conditions of summer that caused many trees to drop leaves a month early. But somehow, nature held back just enough for the big finale.

Isn’t that how life should be though? Full of… Read More ➤

Thoughts on Election 2010

First off, let me be clear that I’m not bitter about the results. I actually prefer having each major party represented in some fashion, to keep things somewhat balanced and representative. Besides, the Democrats were in full control for two years, and spent most of their time squabbling and whining about “getting in trouble” with Republicans. Please! A little forced compromise is usually a good thing.

That said, I’m not happy that Americans have become so jaded (or ignorant) that they think any old dogma-spewing candidate will do. Much of what you were told from these “outsiders” was one huge pack of lies.

The Tea Party preaches… Read More ➤

Where in the World…?


Where have I been!? Why no posts? The world is just DYING to know, I’m sure.

The simple answer is—busy. But that’s not the only reason for not posting. You see, during elections and the political circus they bring, I tend to avoid posting so as to not rant and rave about the lunatics. I simply don’t have the time to say all that needs to be said, and I find it far too frustrating. So I just back off writing anything but the occasional… Read More ➤


Even at my age, I find that I’m often dreaming—not those fantasies about weird or illogical things, but dreaming, nonetheless. My kind of dreaming is just getting wrapped up in the small things around me–the things most people just ignore, deliberately or by default.

When I see a butterfly, I don’t just say “oooh, pretty,” before snapping a photo. I sort of go into… Read More ➤

Hitting the Bullseye

So what is all this hoohah over boycotting Target? It’s clear some people just don’t get it, and I find that sadder than the deed itself.

You see, it all started when a bunch of big money interests figured out a way to allow corporations to openly give to political candidates. In order to use the typical doublespeak to lull the masses into blind patriotic adoration, the big money worked its magic through “Citizens United.” After all, what could be wrong with a group of ordinary citizens uniting for a better country? Problem is, that’s not what they are. They are pro-big business, and are content to let the REAL citizens be at the whim and fancy of CEOs and the politicians they buy. Getting the Supreme Court to say that corporations are the same as “the people” probably had these guys giggling like school girls the night before the big dance. But that’s another discussion for another day.

With the ruling…
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