Ten Tweets of Joy
There’s so much ugliness lately, particularly at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It’s important to remember that social media can still teach us to share, embrace, and learn from joy. Read More ➤
There’s so much ugliness lately, particularly at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It’s important to remember that social media can still teach us to share, embrace, and learn from joy. Read More ➤
I dream constantly, but most are just flashes that I vaguely, if it all, remember. A lot have to do with practical, everyday things or things so unreal they mean little. I know my brain moves ninety-to-nothing at all times, and sleep is no different.
But occasionally a dream is so connected to reality, that I forget I’m supposed to be asleep. This was one one such dream.
We should first put aside that… Read More ➤
The annual orgy of consumerism has come and gone. Every year, Americans presumably give thanks for the blessings in their lives on Thanksgiving, then go out to actively participate in one of the weirdest displays of materialism the world has known, beginning on Black Friday and continuing right up until December 26. Every year, I’m more turned off by it all.
Don’t get me wrong, as I love a good deal! I’m a crazy bargain shopper myself—I kind of have to be. I even enjoy shopping, for the most part, and like Christmas shopping in general. I pore over the Christmas candy and decorations at every turn, just to see if anything new shows up … Read More ➤
If you’re lucky, you’ll have at least one friend who listens to your every story, joke, worry, and musing, no matter how boring or seemingly trivial. You’re even luckier if they take an interest in everything you do creatively and in your life in general, rooting you on when it seems everyone else is too busy or just doesn’t care enough to take the interest. I was just that lucky when I met a silly old broad from New Jersey. (She loved being called that, so it’s purely complimentary.)
I met Carleen in a car forum called Focus Fanatics—I had a Ford Focus, she didn’t. She had followed a friend of hers to the site after they met on another forum. She was just discovering the Internet and… Read More ➤
Need an experiment to see who your friends are? Want to find out how tacky or ghetto someone can be? One experiment will accomplish both: Read More ➤