Because Life Keeps Going
“Quiet whisper in the dead of night, tells me everything will be alright…” Read More ➤
“Quiet whisper in the dead of night, tells me everything will be alright…” Read More ➤
I’ve thought many things about gender equality, misogyny, and the cultural basis of gender roles and norms—and the changes to those roles and norms. To be sure, there’s plenty of material for such discussion lately!
But I suppose … Read More ➤
If you’re anything like me—believe me, I’m not that unique—you are tired of the pageantry and puppetry every two years for national elections. Our entire process has become a televised three-ring circus, full of creepy clowns and poo-flinging monkeys, most ignoring reality and acting solely on hysteria.
Once a model for stability and smooth power transition, our elections have quickly becoming a joke on the world stage, negating any legitimacy for American intervention or… Read More ➤
I’m the type of guy who is absolutely convinced by very little. Don’t get me wrong—I believe in many things. I just know nothing is absolute. Perhaps there is an old, forceful male God looking down on us just as some believe, or maybe some nerdy guy sitting at a computer is watching everything we do and calling the shots. (And I don’t mean Bill Gates.) Hell, for all I know, there’s a giant hamster running around in a wheel keeping the universe moving. I personally don’t think we’re supposed to know everything, which is why I refuse to believe that ANYONE has all the answers. (For the record, proclamations of absolute conviction are usually part of a larger agenda or a cover for insecurity.)
My unwillingness to accept ANY status quo tends to… Read More ➤
First off, let me be clear that I’m not bitter about the results. I actually prefer having each major party represented in some fashion, to keep things somewhat balanced and representative. Besides, the Democrats were in full control for two years, and spent most of their time squabbling and whining about “getting in trouble” with Republicans. Please! A little forced compromise is usually a good thing.
That said, I’m not happy that Americans have become so jaded (or ignorant) that they think any old dogma-spewing candidate will do. Much of what you were told from these “outsiders” was one huge pack of lies.
The Tea Party preaches… Read More ➤
So what is all this hoohah over boycotting Target? It’s clear some people just don’t get it, and I find that sadder than the deed itself.
You see, it all started when a bunch of big money interests figured out a way to allow corporations to openly give to political candidates. In order to use the typical doublespeak to lull the masses into blind patriotic adoration, the big money worked its magic through “Citizens United.” After all, what could be wrong with a group of ordinary citizens uniting for a better country? Problem is, that’s not what they are. They are pro-big business, and are content to let the REAL citizens be at the whim and fancy of CEOs and the politicians they buy. Getting the Supreme Court to say that corporations are the same as “the people” probably had these guys giggling like school girls the night before the big dance. But that’s another discussion for another day.
With the ruling…
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Since everyone seems to be so incredibly offended by this television moment, I thought I’d add it here for posterity.
Sure people complained about the crotch-grabbing, teabagging, and general raunchiness—some of which was certainly a bit much—the part that was actually blacked out in my viewing area was this kiss. That’s it.
Women kissing men—fine. Men grabbing women’s crotches—fine. Women grabbing men’s crotches—fine. But an off-the-cuff kiss between two guys… Read More ➤
This is where dogma gets us—one step away from paranoid fascism. Read More ➤
And people wonder why there’s no respect for the Republican Party anymore? Meet your new core voting block… Read More ➤
Tina Fey is brilliant. Read More ➤