You cut that out!
Mother nature has clearly run out of meds—but then who can… Read More ➤
Mother nature has clearly run out of meds—but then who can… Read More ➤
Spider season is upon us… and they’re determined to stop my heart at least once this spring/summer. Nothing like… Read More ➤
Life in Vermont means you have some pretty unique days to celebrate. Town Meeting Day is the day for town/village elections and public meetings on referendums and such. I had never heard of this until moving up here, and frankly it’s a pretty cool thing. Then there’s Bennington Battle Day, a state holiday celebrating a particular battle in the Revolutionary war.
But there are also days… Read More ➤
Vermont gets snow—that’s just a fact of life. The storms are far less intense and disruptive than many I experienced in Delaware, but measurable snow on May 9? I definitely don’t… Read More ➤
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, life is pretty short. I try to spend mine discovering anything and everything, big and small, bizarre and mundane.
No matter where I go—to and from work, out for a stroll behind my building, or walking through my neighborhood—I am constantly taking inventory. My eyes scan everything around me, detecting the least little speck of something out of place. (Ask Susanne—she’s witnessed me spotting the tiniest of things in the forest floor on many of our hikes together.)
So it was nothing new to… Read More ➤
It’s getting a bit cliché, but spring means it’s time for renewal and growth.
This spring, that’s what I’ve been up to. I’m renewing myself, my dreams, and my goals—or trying to, at least. I’ve already been working on myself in a few ways, including health, attitude, and self-confidence. (I’ve been known to doubt myself on occasion.) I’m even renewing and refocusing my web presence.
Now I have to put the wheels in motion for more change… Read More ➤
I love winter—I really do. I love the snow and brisk clean air, and I always have enough pockets to carry everything. (I lose things more often in summer!) But spring just inspires the soul so much more. It gives pause. Sometimes it even takes the breath away. But it almost always gives hope.
Perhaps spring just inspires the hope that all things can be reborn, at least with a new look or a fresh start, even if not with a new purpose. I keep waiting for my chance to burst out with a new identity or new direction. I keep feeling… Read More ➤
Winter was pretty bad this year. The snow lingered for a bit, then we hit a few days of 60 degrees pretty early on. Now it’s April and we’ve hit 80 a few times already, despite some cool days below Read More ➤
Sometimes life is good.
I don’t know why exactly, but sometimes sitting on the sofa with the windows open and listening music online just makes life seem grand. The only interruption to the music is a sudden breeze or a random bird coming close to the window. The traffic is light, and it seems everyone is… Read More ➤
In case you weren’t paying attention (or the weather fooled you), spring starts at 1:26pm EST. Read More ➤