Because Life Keeps Going
“Quiet whisper in the dead of night, tells me everything will be alright…” Read More ➤
“Quiet whisper in the dead of night, tells me everything will be alright…” Read More ➤
For the most part I’m upbeat and content—I have to be! I try to never sweat the small stuff, and I tend to sail through life brushing off any nonsense that comes my way.
The best car I ever had was totaled, and I went broke on rentals while trying to sort out the mess—to no avail. Hey, no problem!
Student loan debt has nearly doubled thanks to that “low” interest rate. Hey, no problem!
I found out my best friend… Read More ➤
As has been mentioned elsewhere, it’s time for a whole new me. So what’s that all about?
It’s partly a warning: I’m growing tired of swimming upstream with driftwood dragging at my heels–and/or hitting me in the face. So, I’ll be tossing it to the banks. Take that as you will. I’m growing tired of ignorance, and I’m losing the ability to just overlook it. I’m compassionate and selfless by nature, but sometimes I tire of putting others before myself. Be prepared to be pushed aside now and then. I have a pretty full life, and quite enjoy it. Please don’t expect… Read More ➤
Just a tidbit to let the world know I’m alive.
Spring semester just ended, and the graphic arts/book arts/literary show was Thursday. Good times for all! Summer session begins on Tuesday, so I had only a bit of rest. This summer I’ll be taking “Advanced Digital Foundations” and “Flash Animation.” I’m excited about those. I love the digital stuff! But in fall, I have to hunker down with…
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Indeed, I am still alive. I’d say I’ve been resting after graduation during my semester off before grad school, but that wouldn’t quite be true. Work is horrendous right now with a new cataloging system that produces lots of work Read More ➤
I just realized it’s been, oh, a month and a half since I last posted anything here. So, I’m still alive. I’ve been busy recovering from a year of having no free time, and summer is the ONLY time I get to do anything at home.
This means it’s time to paint the apartment, clean up the hardwood floors, and get other things in order. The painting is… Read More ➤
Sometimes life is good.
I don’t know why exactly, but sometimes sitting on the sofa with the windows open and listening music online just makes life seem grand. The only interruption to the music is a sudden breeze or a random bird coming close to the window. The traffic is light, and it seems everyone is… Read More ➤
It seems taking sick-time is the latest source of gripe/ridicule? “You’re always sick!” Hmm.
Well, I don’t have the luxury of living three miles, much less three blocks from work/class. I don’t even get paid enough to afford to live in the same TOWN! No, I have to live 13 miles away where $1000 a month gets you a safe/quiet apartment and not just a room with a hole to pee in. So right there I have… Read More ➤
Okay. So yeah, I only have two classes. Yeah, one of them is pretty much a joke other than exams which I hate. Yes, the other is in one of my majors and on a subject I like. But working full-time and having a life on top of that, I honestly don’t have the time to write a 6+ page RESEARCH paper every week.
I had all day Sunday, Monday night, and lunch/breaks today to… Read More ➤
I feel like I often make this kind of post this time in the semester. You know, the “where in the world is Glenn” post. Quite simply, Glenn is busy. In the next few days, I have to: Go to Read More ➤