Open all the things!

Life in Vermont means you have some pretty unique days to celebrate. Town Meeting Day is the day for town/village elections and public meetings on referendums and such. I had never heard of this until moving up here, and frankly it’s a pretty cool thing. Then there’s Bennington Battle Day, a state holiday celebrating a particular battle in the Revolutionary war.

But there are also days… Read More ➤

Hustle and Bustle of the City

Yes, Waterbury can be a bit busier than this, especially during/after events or when the state employees leave the state complex. But for the most part, this is the hustle and bustle that I see on a daily basis. Add a little snow, and there’s something soothing about the slow heartbeat of traffic signals, spiriting folks here and there with … Read More ➤

Four Years On

Sometimes, it takes the eye of an outsider to appreciate your surroundings.

This past August, I had just such a chance when some old friends from Delaware came for a visit. Although we definitely wanted to hang out and catch up, I knew they’d also want to see what makes Vermont great and planned a few jam-packed days, including the usual “three-town tour” I give everyone: Montpelier, Waterbury, and Burlington. But with decent weather and my own wish to see a few new things myself, we all became tourists on that long weekend.

In Montpelier, we all tried… Read More ➤

Enormity in Small Things

Four years ago, when I was first considering a move to Vermont for a career change, there were naturally reservations. I knew that Waterbury was smaller than most any town I had spent the night in, much less lived in, and nearby towns weren’t much larger. I considered commuting from Burlington, a bit of a mixture of Wilmington and Newark, Delaware—only with more spunk and vigor—but the distance and inadequate transit made it impractical.

So, I gathered all the … Read More ➤